1st things first, MUSH'S BDAY BASH! hehe, i know, i know, delay berabis... i mean, her party was on d 27th and here, awal ani, TODAY, 31st, baru tah c AJ ani write a post about it! anyhu, yea.. so, its mush's bday bash which is at Berakas Beach. Yuni and i decided to go together and so i told her that i'll come by her house dalam 10+ am, but then, entah kenapa, out of all the days, THAT PARTICULAR SUNDAY, i bangun akhir! i was like NNOO!!! then, after i woke up late, lama tah lagi it took me to get ready, so i said bye bye to the 10+am date with yuni.. it gotpostponed till 12+pm.. HAHA, yes, got scolded but i know she loves me!:Dshe finished packing and all then we left her place. on the way to the beach, it was already drizzling ah! we were like OMG! tpi kan, after we reached sana, it drizzled less and less then in the end, nada tia anymore drizzle! YAY! :D tpi, OMG, the wind and waves were strong gila that when the wind blew, you can see the pasir fly, well, to be honest, i dont know how to explain, cali jua tu 'fly', tpi yang pentingnya, the pasir was not stuck on ground thus it got blow-ed and hit our kaki's (PAUSE) OMG, i seriously do not know how to explain, but yang pentingnya, IT HURTS!
anyhu, when we came guess siapa was already there! suff&qilah(well, not much of a surprise since i asked suff sudah the night before) BUT THEN , ada si AZRI, uk dude!!! aaaaahhh, i was like, "ai, bila ko di sini?" n he was like "well, tommorow 3 weeks sudah" and i was like "APAIH?!"haha, lama jua sudah tu three weeks, how can i not know?! aaah, anyhu, we came, ate, picture picture, chill-ed, ate, toilet :S, ate, chill-ed and another round of pictures!
ow, den ada this maybe cursed to hit suff selalu ball. mcm everytime when someone kicks it,mesti kena c suff wa! like, mcm its a MUST to kena suff! haha, kesian... then, somehow the ball went rolling off by itself into...
after thoughts of wanting to tipu cos we didnt want to masuk there, saying that it was taken by unknown people, some of us gave in
zookey, more pictures....
and just before we had to go home...
have to grab a picture with qilah
ofcourse, Mr.UK
carve name in sand
then, me and yuni had to balik at 3.45pm since i have piano at 4.30pm :( sad, i noe! but we left with full filled stomachs (we even tapau-ed things to eat&drink in the car :P) and most importantly, WE SPENT MAJOR FUN WITH THE SEXY HAWT BDAY "WOMAN"!!!!
now, 2nd things second (haha, i crack myself up! o.o)its zma's surprise farewell party.. everything was set up sudah nie oleh mastermind akmal, saadah got the farewell card ready and i got my lie to tell. so the gathering was in the afternoon kan after 2 since shau finish class at 2. but then the rest of us nada apa-apa cause they have their ps in the afternoon and i have my geo in the library. i did not have lunch and so i did not see any of them akmal, DK, shau, ena & fizah. then bla3, finish sudah my class, i went out of the lab, still in the library, then i saw ena holding zma's farewell card that i have not signed yet and so she came to me alone and i signed it. in the midst of me writting down all the "miss u" stuff, datang tia zma with the rest. and i freaked out that i shoved the card aside to ena, threw the pen away, and said "freak, ada zma, ADA ZMA!!! " then ena was like, "AJ, ya tau sudah pasal the card..." then i started laughing for overreacting! :P
anyhoots, after two, datang tia c shau, then we carried on with the plan, that is to let akmal, saadah, fizah,wani & ena to wait for us in the dining hall, while me, shau & DK, went to the toilet withzma. we choose the furtherest toilet so them other team can go down bisai-bisai :P den bla3, skli then came a ques from zma that nasib DK pandai answer, since zma thought yang we are going to celebrate at gadong..
zma: aku balik d gadong kali DK: huh?! me: HUH?! DK: eh, tapi kami semua balik dari sini, dari sini saja wa... zma: owh, bah!
phew~ much! den bla3, kita turun, then before kita turun, we spotted Mr.Sponge Bob-by :D
introducing Mr.Sponge Bob-by's partner in crime.. MUZANI!
then datang tia Sir Jimmy (discipline someone) , and i was flashing my camera infront of him, NASIB he closed his eyes
then , sampai tia we at the dining hall. then, tada~ DON UTS!!!!
was zma surprised or happy?! um, i dont know, does these pictures help?
so, when there's a camera, there's pictures.... well, duuh~
so, zma, yuni & i decided to have "lunch" together. n so we did! well, me n zma had econs together just before lunch so that equals to no time being wasted to frantically search for each other.. den as soon as the 12.05 bell rang, we packed and went out tarus.. den just a few steps out of the door, one of us(i forgot who) felt a vibration! YUNI IS ALREADY MISS-CALLING!!! i was like what??!! jangan tah di jawab!! den we went to d pigeon hall beside the library and kept our stuff's then this ayuni kept on calling and me thinking it was already late, i picked up! den u know what she said after i ask her "mana you?"?? SHE SAID, "di rumah.." i was like.. haiyo! then knowing that yuni masih at home, me n zma decided 2 stroll la kajap.. den jus 5 mins after strolling infront of the library, yup INFRONT, alum sampat ke anywhere else, YUNI CALLED N SAID YA ADA SUDAH! then, after that, tarus la me n zma ran down n searched! thank god 4 contact lenses, zma yng spot yuni's car! :P after HI's n "eh, tadi ada this two girls me(yuni) and hanan(driver si yuni) saw and we thought it was you two! :P HAHA" we headed to the mall.... then, had our "lunch"
after eating, i washed my hands.. ah, extra information, when a camera is in the hands of zma 0.o
ow ow ow, yuni LOH-HOVES this two pictures :P
and so, bla-dy bla-dy bla... it was sudah 3 n i promised to go to choir.. but then, somehow, ayuni bazilah and siti nurhazimah "presuaded" me to not go. n plus, nada transport at THAT time to antar me and zma back to scholl.. n so, we chated n talked n ate n walked till it was already 4.30pm and i have to go back to scool! yet, there was still no transport! apa lagi! me and zma had to walk back la! phft...
after doing our catwalk picture yup, we were still all smiles! professional much!
24th JULY
spent time with these freaks! :P hehe, jokes! fiza, dinah, jimbo, yusof&qays(both of which, i dont have a good picture of)
26th JULY
i was with dinah and fiza the whole afternoon until c fizah balik :( , and so i was left with dinah :D we sat in front of the library then came izzati!:D haha.. OMG, this got me confused! LIKE TOTTALY!!
dinah: kan ambil kakaku di hostel.. me: kenapa ya tinggal di hostel? dinah: pasal ya tinggal di hostel.. me: o.o
right after that, like RIGHT AFTER THAT, seriously, RIGHT AFTER THAT came a car with the plate number, well here are the possibilities cos i cant remember exactly:
then, zati: ai, thats a combination of my number and fatin's! guess which one's mine! :D me: um, 4? zati: no, 5.. me: why 5? zati: cause fatin's 4! me: o.o 28th JULY
me and dinah went to look for c fiza in the library, tapi we didnt see her. so at first i asked c yusof if he nampak c fizah, but then he said "wait, which one lagi tu?" "owh, her, nada.." then, in the same library(like duhh, we only have 1 library in MD)ada zati, so we approached her. she was sitting with two friends, skli one of her friends atu is WANNA! n so, bla3, den i told wanna pasal geo class just now, n everyone knows, ESPECIALLY WANNA, the fact that i cant her that well.. n so... tdi in geo...
aziz was gila mental-ing pasal sum1 particular, a guy he had conflict with yesterday.. but i wasent listening to him cos i wanted to ambil things from my bag n i know there were a few of us yang listened to aziz... after i took out my things i went on to sit down...then,
zul: bila kita membayar? me: BEHAPA KU SIMPAN GAMBARNYA?!! (very confidently mad cos i tought he was referring to the guy yang aziz mental-ed about) zul&salihin:apakan??!! :P
2:26:00 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
OMG, i just found out that if my camera punya battery dies, then i cant load pictures into my laptop... fgkkajdasj! hmph, anyhu... todayy is aberry berry happyday formushie mush! because.... ITS HER BDAY!!!! :D :D :Daaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh*aj shouts superEXCITEDLY*aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh*mush joins in superEXCITEDLY* hahahahahahah:P
i noe, old pic, sory mush! nanti ku upload d latest a! LOVEsss
mush, baby, happy bday! enjoy life legally and thank you for all the times u spare when i was in need of you, even tadi during ur partay u still had time to listen, aah, I WOOVE U SOO MUCH!!! like much as in from brunei till VENUS or MARS (which ever is furthest) god bless mush! :D :D :D
9:27:00 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
THE toilet :S
me:u wana hear a HAHA HA story... you guys: yesssss........ me: ZOOKEY! :D
ok, i went to the toilet with saadah and zma after econs. it was recess. den after that, we came out of the toilet den i saw my fren K, n so i sed "HI!!!! napa ko nda choir lagi?!" den she sed "andang aku inda choir! " den i gave her the WHAT?! face. n she then added "aku se class dengan kau GEO!" i was like "eh, sory....... :S " i was sooo embaressed~! i just got the wrong person wa, they look alike wa... gila, if i was her, i'll go OOUUCCHH!!!!
enough about embaressement issues. lets move on to a more earie subject. i spent my afternoon with dinah, fiza n wafi tadi wa but before wafi came we girls talked about ghosts n "experiences". then, dinah wanted to go to the toilet(same toilet where i met K tadi). and so me n fiza dangani kan, then dinah went to do her business while me n fiza tunggu outside d cubicle. then dinah finished and went to wash her hands with soap.. then, trus2 ada dis cracking bunyi that came from the windows atas the sink wa.. i got freaked out i screamed n headed out n thenfiza screamed along with me n i think i pulled fiza out n we ran together...meanwhile, miss dinah who is still washing her hands, screamed when fiza and i screamed, tried to turn off the tap while screaming,but the tap didnt want to turn so she just ran out screaming with soap still on her hands! me and fiza was laughing outside when dinah came out and said "masih ada sabun arah tanganku a!" but then she had no choice but to actually masuk balik the toilet n wash her hands. me n fiza didnt temankan her because we were scared as hell ! i mean, the bunyi was so TARUS-TARUS that the rational act to do is to scream and run AND not go there lagi balik. then after she cuci her hands, she came out running and screaming!:O
aaaah, well, lets jump to a more comedic aura.. jus now i had my usual training wa, then it rained and our session was about to end. then suddenly, ada lightning, n so my coach said to us.....
ok guys, get out of the pool now, cos someone wants to take a picture!if u noe what i mean...
it took me a VERY GOOD 15 seconds stare at him to actually get what he just said! he was looking at me too, me who's trying to figure out what he said and said "ow, i just got that!" then he gave me the LAMBAT EH pny look! :P
if you dont get it, the picture he was refering to was the lighting.. as in lightning=FLASH of a camera.. yea... HAHA! OMG! i jus remembered! u know what fatin said to me during lunch when i wanted to get in to the library? She said "aj, you have a funny life!" in a very im being serious tone.. i was like, uhhhhh....
8:06:00 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
ok, today was actually FUN!!! like fun FUN!
ok, i had my ps with zma.. :D
AND after my socio, i have nothing to do and so i waited and buang my masa in the library. den...
here's the funny part, i was actually hoping that zati would magically appear in the library cos i know she had maths tadi and is going to attend this prefect meeting at 3 when i finished my socio at 2 n have nothing to do untill 3.30, dats basically more than 3 minutes! and so i kept looking arah the library punya entrance and then.... TADAA!! zati appeared!:D :D :D yay much! :P
den we talked n talked n talked den came fatin. den went off fatin n so zati n i talked n talked n talked n den came fatin again den off she went, den zati n i talked n talked n talked till we ended the "story telling" and headed to where fatin is.. den HAHAHAH chaos!!!! bnr~! cali!!!
fatin was like sakit parut o sumthing like dat den zati said, let the gas come out then! well, she actually sed sumthing else but it has the same meaning.. den since sana, the never endingness of laughter with zati and fatin started! cali when both of them come together, and when they're not together, its likepeanut butter and jelly sandwitch WITHOUTthe bread.. hahah! den omg, read thye're blog, click here, about fatin who got confused! FUUNNNYYYY!!!
n so we talked lagi outside the library but with more recruits.der were ehsan, zati, fatin and haziq n so zati wanted to leave sudah since it was almost 3.den suddenly, like tarus-tarus, i jus realized, all these new n old recruits ARE ALL PREFECTS! i was like, wo, KMU SEMUA PREFECT?! hahahah, talk about social groups!
den after me got abandoned by these prefects, i sat next to asri n lina, (haha, spoiler a!) anyways, den came wafi who just finished his practical.. so he sat next to me.. n so we talked n chated n talked till he made this joke which was hilarious gila! den u noe how some people when someone tells a joke to another someone, dat another someone will hit another someone... u get it? anyhu, back to wafi's joke. i was laughing very gila-ly den i wanted to hit wafi but then SOMEHOW, i hit asri! HAHAH, i sed "eh, sory, salah ampas!" HAHAHAHA, den lina ketawa even more!!!! den i ketawa even more!!!! HAHAHAHAH :D
9:42:00 PM
tribute :P
this is especially for suff who cant stop laughing.
in geo class, our sir talked about sultan's bday and him visiting other districts for the meet and greet session and so...
SIR: which district is the Sultan visiting today? everyone n also sir: TUTONG.... (if i remember well, they sed tutong :S) SIR: so the children in Tutong would not have to go to...? everyone: school!
then out of the monotonous tone of SCHOOL, i sed BANDAR........
because I thought the students or kids in other districts would not have to go to bandar to meet the Sultan because the Sultan would come by to these districts. den rupanya, IM WRONG..:S
its amazing how a geo class could make so much comedic act in one hour! deng, I LOVE MY GEO CLASS N GEOGRAPHY!!! owww... :P
9:04:00 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
comic strip
so, mari bercerita..
in geo tadi, aziz sat beside me for the whole lesson.. den he complained about him having tummy aches n stuff n so i sed
me: ko makan salah kali tadi... aziz: SALAH MAKAN! (as in sarcastically correcting my grammar)
den before we even started the class, my sir started to tell a story n it went
SIR: you know what, i slept early last night, at 9pm, i was watching Boston Legal, you know, the series about lawyers and stuff. Then I suddenly fell asleep wa, but luckily I had the remote in my hand so I didnt have to wake up and turn off the tv. And then, sudenly, ngam-ngam, someone called me at 12am, i answered and you know what I said? I said,"so, how was court? Is everything ok?" I felt so bad for that girl that I called her again at four tadi n apologize.. in ASL,
we were on a poem tadi kan, den the poem read
My flesh reduced and wrecked.
I have to change my bed.
nafisah: um, maybe ya terasa spring nya kali sudah...
nafisah: eh, napa c aj ani? begiuk kali...
den my teacher refered to one of the lines n said that that particular line means he(the author) is experimenting sexually.
nafisah: WO! O.o
nafisah: begiuk ta banar c aj ani!
and then , masa lunch, i decided to stay in the library to finish up on my economics... then
DK:aku jarang online wa sudah... zma: knapa ko jarang online ani kan? DK: hahaha! kenapa jarang ku liat ko online?! sal aku jarang online me: O.o HAHAHAHA!
8:55:00 PM
Friday, July 11, 2008
reversed timing???
you wont beleive it but i slept super early last night n woke up super early today! well, not a big of a deal, but, IWOKEUPSUPEREARLY! super early being 8.44pm n 5.55 am respectively...guys, come on now, ITS A FRIDAY!!:P
ow,anna jus told me dat calvin left brunei sudah!!! :( he's leaving for national service... :'( but he'll be back tho, in 3 (maybe) months time!:D
today is my first im-gona-go-for-tuition day!:D
choir practices :)
7:09:00 AM
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
ok, picture this:
recess time in MD, lots of people buying food, saadah bought and holding a burger, shau and DK talking, wafi, yusofn i talking, akmal n zma bali sumthing and all of us were in a 5 meter radius around the stall yng near to the library....
then, zma wanted to try saadah's burger, n so....
saadah: nda nyaman a, slalunya nyaman... :( shau: ya nda taruh garam kli.. me: O.o shau: nada garam kan in burgers?? us: nda! shau: skli taruh apa?? Dk: KICAP!!! us: WUAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAK! :D
8:05:00 PM
Sunday, July 06, 2008
jus need to include this in.
i saw a sticker on one of the BRAND NEW lockers infront of d library which says miri/bintulu.
den i sed to ricki as she was beside me: hey, is miri in bintulu? *innocent* ricki: NO AJ, bintulu is IN miri!
p/s: im so not a freakin stupid bimbo! the vision of the map of malaysia wasn't really in my head that time...
5:05:00 PM
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Free, Love & Joy
on saturday the 28th of june,I,superAJ
spent almost the whole afternoon at...
the ever so "ow ders a camera" MUSH
the "ah, candid picture, POSE!" YUNI
the always cursing ZMA
the "eh, labih tu eh!" NUWAR
nuwars sidekick ALIF(d one in blue) n sean kingston(background :P)
the ohmygawd very sweet guy AJAI
the mikin kurus, gila! ZAI
den met A.I, SHAU&frens
Why were we there? because....
yup, dats dolly n its her pre-bday party. 0.o i noe~ :P anyhu, I HAD A BLAST!!!! bnr~ like, fun la!! thanks for cummin guys.... :D
1st JULY
wafi wanted this to be included as a case study.
me: kamu ada training teacher in class?
wafi: aku ada, in my gp. haha, teacher in training! get it?! me: um, *confused look, nope... wafi: msa a2 wa, aku liat ceta wrestling ani, nama wrestler nya is super hero in training. kan klu abbriviation nya a2 SHIT.
me: wo~
wafi: wo kan?
me: wo jua 2! nda?
wafi: wo pulang....
me: skli apa yang teacher in training ani?! TIT. OWH!
wafi: wat?! i tot u sed wo sal d teacher in training...
me: uh, no, aku pikir ko refer yng superhero a2! owh, HAHA, bangang!!! :P
haha, miscommunication much! dats y wafi was like, "wo kan?" cos he thought im amazed with the abreviation of teacher in training! haha
2nd JULY
in our ASL class ryte now, we have tea&coffee. n so d first time we did have coffee&tea only one of them guys brought a mug to class. den my teacher decided to make coffee for him...
teacher: so, how would you like your coffee?
my guy friend: aaaaaaaaaa, nescafe...
5th JULY
Socio class.
its izzahs bday 2morow n she gave us little goodie bags each, which personally, i find it very adorable. den, while teacher was explaining, wafiah, hu sits next to izah, started talking, den...
teacher: elo, i noe d party is tommorow but mine's today, NOW!
K.I: (started singing) happy bday 2 u....
Geo class.
sir: so, how many hectares du u tynk MD is?
us: 2, 2 and a half hectares.
sir gave the 'are you kidding me' face.
sir: its 83 hectares!
us: WO! WHAT?! APAIH?!
next! sir gave us a handout after d 83 hectares info. n so, me being the forgetful me writes things that i want to share with frens on my hand so i wont forget them. skli, ada one of us kana suruh baca.. i was still writting on my palm.
sir: can u please read. the lovely voice of..... suff
SILENT.. bangang
i looked at zul.
zul: aku ka?
me: AWU WA!
den suff started reading, rupanya c suff!
den sir told zul to continue, i was still with my pen, thickening what i wrote.
den zul baca, but i finish sdh tulis n refers my book and ngam2, every1 was like, mna ko baca ani kan?!
den i turned back n sed...."mna yaw~?!" in a very sarcastic tone.
zul: sini jua (pointed at the handout sir jus gave)
me: buku klia!!
zul, bangang, cos every1 of d oder students was referring 2 d handout, EXCEPT 4 ME!
den, sir got fed up n told zul off n asked wana 2 baca...
HAHAH, how deng confident can i be! embaressed....
teacher: so, its kind of trying to get real with the enviornment. Wow, look at me here saying 'get real' like a hip hop person.
den in the afternoon, i had luch with yuni n siblings! :D haha! came late, got scolded, but HAD AMAZING FUN-NESS!
dats ka diyana in orange cap, n dilah,( for dilah, look 1 L :D) n yuni.
had lunch at fleurs-de-lys. :D good, good food! den got ice-cream.... :D :D :D
ate ice cream odw balik ke yuni's place
den durang bawa play netball at MOD, n im so not in d attire, well, i wore pants, but dats jus it! so, dilah, whom i borrow clothes from alot, lend me her tee n ohsoCUTE pair of socks...