Friday, May 30, 2008
u noe wat, choir in my dictionary now = to TENSION! lots of tension!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
right now, im sitting all by myself with every1 i dun know around me(wondering wers Ricki..) den nyways, i went 2 my superHOMIE calvin's blog den he wrote bout his superHOMIE, ME! den i smiled n smiled n realized dat me, AJ, sitting alone, with no fren, is smiling to her laptop! weired much!
lunch n thirst quencher
i duno if its just me, but i tynk dis school is recruiting more n more students. cos kan, der r more bags in front of d library, more people in the library, more people at paradise n even more people I've never seen before! wat else have i notice?... lemme c.... i tynk poetry is fun, i notice dat trends spread FAST n WILD(e.g: every where i turn der shud be a sum1 with a Rubik's cube in his/her hands) and i notice dat people in MD are smart! oww, n i notice dat nafisah, my ASL mate has d same problem as i have.......... Case Study 10 ms.christina:hello me:hello nafisah:wat did u just said ms. christina? ms.chiristina:hello nafisah:oh, i thought u said ILOVEYOU!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
to all CS peps before 08
u noe wat! i jus found out dat the CS students punya subject options are POA, HISTORY and ART. hold on! and and and and..... ECONOMICS nada lagi! GEO is a must!
not much happened today, up till now tho'. um, i have choir practice later! *winks* but jus now in asl, we did dis poetry tingi den i didnt print d poem dat i found coz my printer is on hiatus. n so i copied d poem dat i found manually. n so, i was in a hurry, i forgot to write down d authors name. den i told dem nafisah n fizah, den telling turned into joking n ended up with "i only write things wen im in serenity, PEACE"
Case Study 9 me: kalau cakap pattern? nafisah thinks den sed:apa nda ku tedangar, aku pikir ko cakap fatin.
Monday, May 26, 2008
ders a class going on in the Library Annex which in my "feb till now" ps life, ive never witnessed b4! n dey r ohsosmart dat i dun c lips moving! gila, dey talk with their brains! LAME much! :s
5 mins later still not talking! 2 mins later teacher yawns still no talking 6 mins later teacher writes something on the board FINALLY!! talking!!!!!!!!! n sumhow, todays ps1 period is so pack. like pack pack, as in ramai! ders a total of 15 people in d area wer i sit now which is tempat belakang library. mann, we can make a class... yesterday, my ASL class got to watch d end of Julius Caesar. it was actually fun coz we were in the media room n teacher wasnt der n everyting. den khairul made this "now u cant c me nymore" joke. gawd, u shud jus have been der! jus now, i ter-look at ricki's laptop wen she wrote somthing den i sed sory den she sed,"its ok! dont i always do dat? watchu doin AJ?" den i started to mumble....... n den started 2 kacau her laptop den she went, "ARGGH!! dont lemme bite u!" n i was like, "Oh NO, n u have braces on!" den she was like " i can puncture u!" ahh, another advantage of braces besides straightening ur teeth, SELF DEFENSE! Case Study 8 song playing in the background, didnt know wat coz could'nt hear dat well. dolly: take a bow me: FOR WAT!! dolly: um, the song's name is Take A Bow. hold on! i sed to ricki dat today's ps is so laju. dn she was lilke yeah! den she sed "r u switching off ur laptop?" den i sed "not yet" den she sed i'll shut down wen u shut down! oww, it it werent directed to the laptops but to me, dats shoo shweet!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
wrap up
ISB held dis garage sale on Sunday and my mum decided to sell things. n so we did, so, every year we have this theme color for our dress code, and this year its PINK&BLACK. then, in the process of the sale, dolly n i went jalan2 to see other stalls den i saw this ohsopretty baby blue frame. i asked dolly to tanya how much is it den the seller sed, "well, its actually a dollar...." (i was already SUPERhappy but den she sed) " but it wont stand cause it broke, so i'll give it to u for free!" AAAAHHHHHH!!!! SUPERDUPEROMG-LYHAPPY!!!!!!!!! and dolly got dis really nice bedazzled frame 4 jus $1! bargain much..... TUESDAY now presenting to you (Fox's opening music playing in the background) THE VINTAGE LOOK OF MD Though our school's vintage, we are not
We even have pets n a sense of humour moving on... at 12+pm just now, i called yuni den spontaneously asked her n also zma to go out n eat later and so we did... :D the chocolate lava wateva dey call em, is DELICIOUS! yumm Gila! Case Study 7 we were talking about old age in socio class den teacher said pre-industrial, industrial n post-industrial K.I whispered 2 d person beside him:post-industrial sama mcm post-modern ka? teacher menyampuk:ofcourse men have menopause
Monday, May 19, 2008
OMG, i saw some one's blog n he/she is from PTE n there were pictures of dat school.. sabar, lemme PROPERLY explain things...
my fren k.azmi is in PTE den dat 1 tyme i saw him n we talked den he sed PTE siuk gila, mcm stadium! i thought he was exaggerating but den....... i saw dis persons blog n der were pictures of PTE. my jaws LITERALLY dropped open! ai, gila lawa ani wa! but its aight, im gona bring my camera 2morw n capture d ohsoprettiness of MD! Case Study 6 me: hye, i noe wats alchemists! it has something to do with jewels kan, lilke dalam game ah! G: alchemists are people hu turn metal into gold me: huh? G: alchemists are people hu turn metal into gold me: a? G: alchemists are people hu turn metal into gold me: HUH?! wanna: AJ.... shau's right! U DO HAVE HEARING PROBLEMS!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
not many of you would actually noe dis cos i dont tell nyone, not because im ashamed o nyting but because YOU didnt asked me. ok, ere it goes....
im bloging about this cos my cousin in spore gave a comment arh my frensta n told me she misses me den i replied n told her bout my blog den she tagged me n it turns out SHE has a blog 2! its jus so exciting! nnyways... my cousin, well, we, family members, homies, call her caca, her real name is Fadziella. i've known her brother(fahmi) n her since we were kids, like kids kids even though we live in like, different countries, we're homies!ahhh... k, jus now, i had my usual training den wen i finished one of my set(BTW, it was horrible jus now, like horrible horrible) den i saw dis familiar figure wearing a familiar outfit with a super familiar face.. ZMA!!!!! i waved frantically, but she jus walked past. i dun blame her coz she was at the end of the pool n i was at d oder end but me being me, nda mau mau wants her to wave back, n so i shouted her name. she turned, but it took her a good long 9 seconds to figure out hu i was! :S jus now, i had my socio test. i was like, yea i can do this, cos i actually did study, i dunt usually dats y with d attitude! den i did everyting from socialization till gender den my fren jess hu sits beside me said, "um, i saw ur paper, u DO know dat its not till gender ryte, bcos u wrote about gender". den my heart jus fell 2 d ground! Case Study 5 Mr.JT: is car important in brunei? me: tar? Mr.JT: car. me: bar? saadah: CAR!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Acts & Scenes
i jus have got to write about this, i noe its not my 'momment' but i was der n it was so fun-neh!
ricki asked me if i wanted to join her n farhan liat art exhibition arah md's art block den i said ok! so we went down n liat d art, OMG u guys, der art is actually quite good... yea, nyways... den we went to the canteen n ate n drink den we went up (balik ke library) but odw up.... farhan: i dun tynk i wana apply for MinDeff scholarship ricki: y? but u wana b a physcologist(however you spell it).. farhan: a physciatrist ricki: watever, tomato potato! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! random note: try looking around in MD's library, there's funny inspirational messages like "TABAH ITU SAHABAT KEJAYAAN" n "DI MANA ADA KEMAHUAN, DI SITU ADA 'A' ONE', etc... Case Study 4 Mr.JT: so afiqah, how was the MinDeff meeting fify: it was interesting...... Mr.JT: boring?
:D turns out dat it was my ps yesterday n ricki didnt rep me coz she had no credit n d 'people ive never seen b4 in my ps was around me' just might b a coincidence...
ben-ny yesterday said dat i'm the only amallina in his heart! :P Case Study 3 zma: kmi mna becakap. bnr, ya nda becakap dgn kmi wa... me: ya, anyways zma: bkn pulang kmi enemies........
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
how deaf-ness can affect ur social life
Case Study 1 yuni: fin, pinjam buku mu. gave his book n yuni started copying. den teacher minta our books to be handed in so.... fin: yun, minta buku ku a. yuni: chill fin... fin: KO SIAL!!!! Case Study 2 salihin: aj, ko pny socio note available? me: ah, sadang... salihin: huh? i mean NOT available wa.. me: owh... Case Study 3.... PENDING ryte nw, cnt really tynk of oder pekak moments nanti ta, i'll give a pekak moment at the end of every of my posts. i'm sure i'll have one everyday... n i noe, it gets annoying, but i didnt choose to have problems in hearing... :S Currently, im in the library alone BUT dats not d prob.. i dont memorize my timetable so i check my POST book every morning to see d order of my timetable BUT i didnt check it jus now, so after break i went straight to the library with an inner voice saying if this is not my ps block. i went to the back of d library n der were no signs of ricki but i jus sat down thinkin, she might still b outside, den i sat till ryte now its 10.46am, yup im still alone, im too malas to go outside n check wat block it is, i msged ricki but she didnt rep(that might mean she's in class :S) n i dun tynk ive seen dis people around me b4 during ps... hmphhhh.... well, i really tink its my ps block coz i had ps yesterday b4 recess.. so, yea.....
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
SATURDAY had d choir performance for the assembly d skulah. it was not OK! like seriously... memajal kmi ah! like FOUR (4) songs consecutively. if i were d audience, i would go, "GAWD, I TYNK WE KNOW WHAT SINGING IS!" SUNDAY HAPPY MOTHERS DAY went out 4 lunch n ate too much, way too much! dat i only had a few minutes to spare to change 4 d concert. why change u say? coz kan, i HAVE to wear baju kurong.. i was like wat?! but, dat was still ok 4 me, d guys had to wear cara melayu! a2 baru ya! :P o, i went to 'The Dream Ascends' concert! OMG, it was amazing actually, but the fact that it ended really akhir annoys most of us... ooooww, n den ada dis lady, she was d conductor at 1st den she sang 'Stand Up For Love' by Destiny's Child. OMG! it was OMG-ly done!! hafizah, liza, me n karim looking oh-so-glam! haha! after registration i have ASL n ricki has socio, i olways folow ricki, well not always, but most of d time, yahuh... den jus now, i, being the gentlewoman, gave way to belle n ricki den I went out of registration den i went to my left n sed "bye ricki!!!" den she sed "where you're going AJ?" haha, i forgot wat i had 1st block, i tynk i went to my left to help me remember...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
To all the people out there
When you want to greet or start a conversation with someone, PLEASE make sure you got the right name and if you dont and that person tells u his/her correct name, dont say WATEVER!!!!
gila! rude bah 2!!!!!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
random bimbo moment
during registration...
i looked up front.....den i sed 2 ricki, "ricki, u remember d guy yang i sed looked like farid's twin?" "yea", ricki sed. "well, he's in my registration!" now i noe y he looks so familiar! 4 u guys hu didnt get it,lemme try 2 let u get it so u can laugh as well n not look so bangang infront of ur computer o watsoeva u guys use dis days. me n ricki r in d same registration class, ders dis guy namanya farid, den i once asked ricki if farid ada twin ka nda but she didnt know n didnt tynk so. den a few days after dat, i saw d guy dat i refered to in OUR registration class den i told her. it shows how ignorant i am, n i can assure u dat i DO NOT know most of d ppl in my socio! its bad, i noe! :(
night and shining armour
dats Md.Zaidani Bin Mat Zahri! yup, he found my long lost calculator!! CONVO zai:"aj" hand over my calculator me:"OMG" "mna ko dpt zai?!" zai:"dlm GP class ku" too bad i didnt get to ask mna GP klass nya cos if its not in any of my classes den ertinya sum1 must have stolen it n left it! nyhu.... THX ZAI!!!!
its all GOOD
so, rupanya ricki taught that i ditched her dis couple of weeks! NOOOO RICKI NOOO! i had dis huge geo presentation.. dats y... but sorted it sudah! awkward moment! den yesterday, i had choir practice (so much for rumours bout no practice 4 a week!) hmmphh... wer was i???! oh, den after practice, i saw ricki den sat wit her den we started a conversation bout dis guy i told her.
SUMMARY: We dont fall for a guy by his looks, bla bla bla. the bla bla bla lead to how gatal can a person b. it started with following him n say hi den going to the canteen to get a drink den be so freakinly bimbo about it saying dat, "but ders a vending machine d atas! " bla bla bla yada yada yada (kinda forgot wat we actually said cos its to bimbo-ish to remember). it ended with......... "its 4.30 olready, arent d guy in d vending machine suppose to go home by now?!" HAHAHAHA! i tynk if Ricki would tell u d story it'll b funi-er! coz i cant write funni-ly... ok, my mum bought this, well i call it pouch, for my laptop n i dun actually like d colour of it. its black! im so not an EMO! den i asked my mum if we (as in me n her, so if it goes wrong, we can share d blame) can dye it, n she sed yes. we bought d dye but it says d fabric does not hold dye den i was like watt??!!! den now, i tynk im gonna put ribbons o badges o nyting to make it look different. ow, to my homies, u can contribute.. jus now, during my ASL we watched a black n white version of julius caesar. our teacher bought in a laptop, it didnt work, den she borrowed frm a girl classmate, it didnt work as well den she borrowed frm a guy classmate, it didnt work 2! den i sed, u 1 2 borrow mine but its not with me now? n she sed ok! den i went next door arh class si saadah( she n zma borrowed my laptop msa ps durang). n it worked!!!! ur reading a HERO's blog babeh!
Monday, May 05, 2008
stress much
im gona have my geo presentation TOMORROW! n i havent even have all d details i want! crap man! nyhu, notin much happened in school. owww, but....
my dad buys newspapers(borneo n media) every school day before we go to school. so, usual routine jus now.. i read borneo n i flipped n flipped n flipped den on page 7, ada AKU! not d best pic of me, but its still me!! d pic was about d breast cancer walkathon. ada dolly, dillah n yuni! OMG, u shud c hw yuni gave a face to me! :P im still lookin n wonderin wen would d 12th interschool debate competition will be on air, coz kan, i really wana watch it... if anyone knows any idea wen, HOLLA back at me! n n n, i jus bought a new pendrive for myself, sho sho adorable! nice, pretty n green!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
saturn-day n sunny-day
i brought my camera 4 today, i gambar-ed all ma classes except 4 socio, coz, i 4got i bought my camera. (socio was my 1st class). ECONS
AS LITERATURE finally, our choir performance... im way over der, by ur left... ![]() jus wanted 2 slot dis in! zma jus gave d pic 2 me. we, being d most(well, for zma mainly) KARIT people on earth, hide behind my laptop jus 2 eat it w/o anyone knowing n asking for some. PRO bebeh! i was all phew-wiped-sweat-on-face coz i heard dat there wouldnt b choir prac's 4 1 week! somehow sad, but more to the HAPPINES side of it. jus now, me,my sister dolly n my mum went on dis walkathon for breast cancer. we walked den I ran...(pats on back) den at d finishing line, der were free milo given out. so, me being d tired me, went straight der n jus looked at d milo, i duno wat u call dem, containers??, ya, nyhu, i was about 2 take a cup wen i hear sum1 screamed my name... i turned 2 d side n i saw, supeer best homie YUNI! i was like wat??!!! n she was like, "ur d last 1 i expect 2 c ere!" den rpanya, infront of me was dillah, her sister, den i was like, "OMG sory i didnt c u, i only saw milo!" hahaha, how hahaha was dat! ow, n i saw filzah n cousins!patang came n i went 2 d consumer fair, ive been dying to go. so, after ngaji, i went with my mum, we walked n i made dis card, wer theyre goal is 2 make a huge greeting card so, i made 3 cards 4 ma mum, dolly n myself. i'll upload it nanti, sal im having problems with bluetooth devices, we dun seem 2 click 2day. yup, dats it! ooow, hold on, jeera gave me an email bout "what month were you born in??" dis is wat mine says, which, BTW, is SO truee! JANUARY Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the centre. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends.. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Unpredictable. Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all.
Friday, May 02, 2008
it was almost DARK
today, Friday, we had the RTB choir rehearsals. well, we had to be in school by 2pm and a bus would take us there but dismissal time is uncertain. there were two buses, i was in the 2nd one. we reached there at about 2+. Then after consecutive times of uuuhhssss n aaahhhhssss, some of us went back to school pakai bus, since it was provided for FREE. i didn't had battery for my phone so i borrowed wiyah's phone n msged my dad at about 5pm. den we waited to balik. there we're about 9 of us menunggu at d same tempat.
after 20 mins d last guy went home a picture says a thousand words, but in my case 3 sentences.
it den got a lil creepy d atas so i went down near the dining hall, on my way down..... a rainbow! still no sign of my dad den... after a few minutes, 75 minutes to be exact! my dad came. LAMA GILA jua 2! yada yada yada yada, we went out kajap pasal he wanted to ambil my adi tarus. so i suggested to go to the shop yang i wanted 2 buy a pendrive from, tpi, they tutup awl... (btw, i've reformated my laptop, dats d reason y i want a new pendrive). not all of us is in d pic :( but we still hawt-lookin! |
Character See AJ's Profile | Create Your Badge ![]() Amallina Jehan Ahmad Jan 26, Aquarius Economics,Geography,Sociology&ASLiterature Music, Revision notes&friends keeps me alive RAINBOW makes me (: June's Bash ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Incomparable Zma&saadah Ziella Shau&mai Zati&Fatin Yusof Wanna&Dhill Sufinaz Rowee Riki Qilah Nufisah Fify-yo Munii Muissh murni Matul Liyana chenta Lena Ka ct Jimbo Jaqs Jordine Jee HHD Ayeen Ajesh Farhan Diana Nadj Deenn Calvin Ayun Adam Faten Vernon Heroes of the dunia Najaah Hajah Iqbal Rash Sarah Ena Syu Lina&Buzzy Aida Tiara Zaza Fiqah Fatyn Saadah Wardi Beautyshop ShoutMix chat widget Archives April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 Credits Designer Blogskins |